Anthonia Egbujiobi speaks at Geneva Centre for Security and Policy event
Last week, our author, Squadron Leader Anthonia Egbujiobi (Esq.) was a guest speaker at the 5th Global Alumni Networking Night, hosted by the Geneva Centre for Security and Policy.

During her presentation before the distinguished audience that comprised of such dignitaries as Nigeria’s General Buratai (rtd) and the Swiss Ambassador to Nigeria, she spoke on the need to be deliberate about finding lasting peace in our country. According to her, “Security is everyone’s business.”
Citing from her book, Bridging Civil-Military Gap: Strategies for Robust Relationships and Successful Operations, published by Purple Shelves, she reiterated the importance of collaboration between the military and civilians as important to solving the problems of insecurity in the country. She also enjoined the audience to “play your part” and reminded them that their “little can make a big difference”.
Squadron Leader Anthonia Egbujiobi nee Elelegwu is a lawyer, professional negotiator, mediator, conflict resolutor, and motivational speaker.
In 2018, she received awards from the United Nations and the Nigerian Air Force for her many contributions to social and human development, while serving as a military observer in Congo. She is married to Engineer Declan Egbujiobi, and they are blessed with three sons.
She is also the author of Building Castles with Pebbles and is currently working on her third book. Her books are available here and here.